Lockdown Positive & Gratitude

The current pandemic has reshaped our lives in ways that this generation, and many generations before us, have never experienced nor could have possibly imagined. This can, and has been, a very lonely and scary experience for a lot of people. 

I’ve always been a ‘Glass Half Full’ optimist, so I have made sure to practice gratitude whilst locked down. Before going to bed each night, I asked myself what I was grateful for that day – it was easy for me to come up with a long list e.g. I still had somewhere to sleep, food on the table, the love of friends and family and, most importantly, I was, and still am, healthy. This whole experience has also taught me a lot about how I need to live my life including what’s truly important and what I invest my time and money on. 

We are now experiencing some restrictions being lifted and this should be viewed with gratitude – gratitude for new freedoms and opportunities, rather than regret and anger for what we’ve lost or how things used to be. Good and bad experiences are all part of being human and we have to be thankful for them all, as that is what shapes how we decide to live our lives going forward. 


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