Compassion Costs Nothing

If we’re honest with ourselves I’m sure we’d all admit that there have been times in our past that we have been guilty of judging other people without knowing much, or anything, about them. Personally, I’ve had life experiences that have taught me to truly understand an individual, their background and their story before I make my own informed opinion of that person. 

There are pre-conceived ideas and opinions about any number of groups and types of people, but everyone, without exception, has their own story and reasons for doing what they do and being how they are. It’s a breath of fresh air to me when I meet someone who doesn’t immediately judge me and then takes the time to get to know me. I always extend this same courtesy to everyone I meet in the knowledge that their background is unique to them, and if they want to talk to me about it, I’m always an excellent and non-judgmental listener. 

If the human race showed more compassion and understanding to each other it would be a much happier place.


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